Healing for Mind, Body, and Soul - Schedule Your Session Now
Powerful, restorative support. Feel free to contact Jessica at (619) 865-4519 with any questions.
Shamanic Healing Session (available distance) I will use shamanic techniques to work on the spiritual level, working with the guides to clear out blockages and return lost power, restoring your connection to and awareness of your personal medicine, improving access to your full potential that resides within you. The healing can include:
Shamanic Healing: $100 - $197
Soul Retrieval (available distance)
Soul Retrieval complements any other self-healing path you may choose. I go into shamanic reality to find those parts for you and ask them to come back. Healing to wholeness at the energetic level begins when missing soul parts return and can be life changing. Additional parts return spontaneously after your session as they are attracted to your growing. I also retrieve at least one Power Animal for you and connect you with a higher being (a Star Being) to provide protection on your journey. $175 Shamanic Chakra Clearing and Healing (available distance)
I will clear and balance, and if needed repair your chakras. First, we will talk briefly about what brings you to this healing. Then, I will use a Tibetan singing bowl to clear and align the chakras. Next, while you rest quietly and integrate, I will take a Journey and enter Shamanic Reality to speak to the guides on your behalf to make changes on the energetic level. Often I will come back with “homework,” recommendations from the guides. Finally, I will close with some Reiki to seal the healing. This is a 30 min healing. $55 Oracle Card Readings - One Issue (available distance by phone or video chat)
A 30 min reading, where I connect you to divine wisdom using the Goddess Inspiration Oracle deck, addressing "one issue" that is up for you. Examples include: "What are my next steps on my spiritual path?" “How can I relate better with my romantic partner/family member/friend?” "What messages do the guides have for my career transition?" Or, any other general question. $55 House Clearings and Blessings (available distance or in person with travel fee)
Let’s tackle the clutter in your heart and home! The house clearing and blessing will assist in transmuting the energy in your home. I facilitate release of any negative experiences that have occurred in your space. We call in an experience of your dwelling that energetically supports your inner and outer work so your home is a safe place of nourishment, inspiration, and personal expression. This kind of work is also effective in for your workplace, vehicle, boat or any other space you spend a great deal of time. This takes about an hour and a half. $150 Reiki (available distance)
A Japanese style energy healing that involves flowing universal healing energy to promote relaxation and the reduction of stress. This method of healing releases blocked energy, pain, and trauma in the body in a gentle and effective manner. Reiki: $55 - $100 Packages
Sometimes healing can be done in one session and sometimes support is better received through multiple sessions. I am happy to participate in your healing process however you feel called. For those who would prefer multiple sessions, I offer packages and personal shamanic training. Please contact me or call me to discuss creating a custom package for you! Call Jessica at (619) 865-4519 Donations
If you are feeling called, I gratefully receive donations to facilitate pro bono work for land healing, contributing healing for natural disasters, and other trans personal events. |